Spin Me a Yarn is a monthly children’s book subscription service. Each month, kids receive an illustrated book of myths and legends from a different country around the world.

Let’s Take a Trip!

Spin Me a Yarn, is a monthly children’s book subscription box. This service teaches kids about different countries around the world through the use of storytelling. Each month, subscribers receive a book that features myths and legends from a new country of the world. The book includes traditional tales from the highlighted culture, fantastic creatures great and small, and valiant tales of heroes who used their wits to solve challenging problems. Along with the book, the box includes several themed goodies each month that encourage learning. For the project, I feature one complete box with the theme of Ancient Greece. I also designed the website, branding, and packaging for the company.

The more stories we have access to at a young age, the more we can learn about the world around us. By combining the benefits of education through storytelling with a fun, kid-friendly brand, the Spin Me a Yarn company takes legends of old and showcases them for kids today.

2022 Silver ADDY Award: Illustrations

2022 Silver ADDY Award: Packaging

2022 Gold ADDY Award: Book Design

2022 Gold District ADDY Award: Book Design